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 Human insights beyond the stats.

We aim to increase understanding of the real impact of bleeding disorders by highlighting the aspects that other studies miss


We conduct relevant, people-focused, ethically driven research on bleeding disorders and associated topics.

We always aim to share our findings with the wider community – because sharing experience helps to expand knowledge.

Published papers


We believe that the generic ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to research fails to deliver a personal, deep understanding of the lived experience of people with bleeding disorders and their families.

Our mixed methods research goes beyond p-values and odds ratios to develop genuine, human insights into living with a bleeding disorder.


We work with complex quantitative and qualitative data, using novel tools and methodologies to identify hidden trends that could help shape future care.

How can we help you?

Haemnet captures and evaluates the rich data on living with bleeding disorders to reveal, useful, big picture insights.

Get in touch to find out how we can support your research.

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