Bicep Curls (Barbell or Dumbbell) [Bicep Curl.gif]
Muscles worked: biceps and brachialis
- [Should there be an instruction here about positioning?]
- Curl the weight up towards your chest with your wrists firm and elbows fixed to the sides of your body.
- Lower the weight under control until your arms are straight without locking your elbows.
Dumbbell Lateral Raise [Dumbbell Lateral Raise.gif]
Muscles worked: medial deltoids
- Adopt a wide stand and place the dumbbells in front of your thighs; ensure your elbows are slightly bent and fixed.
- Raise the dumbbells away from your sides under control, so they are both in line with your shoulders.
- Lower the dumbbells under control to your start position.
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press [Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press.gif]
Muscles worked: deltoids and triceps
- Hold the dumbbells with a firm grip and elbows just below your shoulders.
- Raise the dumbbells directly upwards until your arms are extended without locking your elbows.
- Lower the dumbbells under control to your start position.
- This exercise can also be performed standing, with a wide stance – keep your abs braced and spine neutral to avoid any discomfort to the lower back.
Lying Tricep Extension with Dumbbells [Lying Tricep Extension Dumbell.gif]
Muscles worked: triceps
- Keep your elbows bent and close to your body, with upper arms fixed.
- Lower the dumbbells under control towards the outside of your head and with a strong right angle at your elbows.
- Aim to keep your wrists firm and fixed throughout the movement.
Lying Tricep Extension with Barbell [Lying Tricep Extension Barbell.gif]
Muscles worked: triceps
- Keep your elbows bent and close to your body, with upper arms fixed.
- Lower the barbell under control towards the top of your head (approx. 2–3 cms above) and with a strong right angle at your elbows.
- Aim to keep your wrists firm and fixed throughout the movement.