Revalidation and what it means
Kate Khair writes… For several years now, the NMC has been talking about its commitment to implementing an effective system of revalidation for nurses and midwives in the UK. Revalidation, of course, is the process by which registered nurses and midwives demonstrate to the NMC that they remain fit to practise. Last year the NMC …
Getting ethnographic with Bubble Wrap Boy
Ethnographic research aims to observe people in their natural settings, to gain insight into how they manage their daily lives, what they value and which factors adversely affect their ability to live their lives as they wish. The current issue of The Journal of Haemophilia Practice has an article by several UK nurses on the …
That was then, this is now, isn’t it?
In the high tech and largely recombinant era of haemophilia care at home, it is easy to forget that it is not so long since care of those with haemophilia often involved long periods of time in hospital. And given the current focus on treatment adherence, it is odd to think there was once a …
Do you coax, cajole or coach?
When you talk to your patients, there a lot of “telling” or do you do a lot of asking and supporting? The traditional approach to interacting with patients is pretty didactic. For some patients, and particularly in acute situations, that works. But what about for patients with chronic conditions, where it is well known that …
Apps and adherence – its time to join the dots
We all know there’s an app for everything these days. In the Nurses Professional Development session at WFH in Melbourne, Robyn Shoemark from Sydney reviewed the advantages and drawbacks of data collection using patient-held apps. Earlier this year, the Australia Bleeding Disorders Registry launched a new patient-held phone app (MyABDR) that enables haemophilia patients to …
Erasing HCV – that will be NICE
Kate Khair writes… Twenty-five years ago the cause of non A-non B hepatitis was discovered when HCV was identified. Since then we have cured HCV in some patients with interferon – yet another injection for those with haemophilia. While for some this has been a cure, many have been either unable to tolerate the side …
Speak out. Create change.
As today is World Haemophila Day, it seems only right to re-run the official WFH statement, in case anyone has missed it. MONTREAL, April 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Every year on April 17, World Hemophilia Day is observed around the world to increase awareness of hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders. In 2014, World Hemophilia …
Read all about it
Research is fundamental to the clinical nurse specialist role. Yet, the results of an HNA survey published a couple of years ago found there systemic, professional and personal barriers that prevented haemophilia nurses from engaging in research. Even when they did so, getting published in the mainstream journals presented a major hurdle. Nurse-based research is …